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St. Mary's Menston


Mathematics is a subject for life. At St Mary’s we aim to equip students with all the knowledge they need to pursue their chosen career and manage all the skills they need for life.

Mrs McLeer, Faculty Leader for Mathematics and Computer Science

Subject Overview

Mathematics has inspired millions of people over thousands of years. It is a language that has helped humankind understand the world around us, build bridges between previously unconnected worlds and has provided answers to the most intriguing problems for generations. Our belief is that all students can succeed at Mathematics and we have a duty to lead them in their Mathematical journey. A high-quality Mathematics education will provide the foundations for understanding the world around us and we strive in ensuring every student achieves, no matter their experiences in Mathematics.

Course Content

Mathematics Years 7 - 9

Students explore the key concepts within number, algebra, geometry and data including the topics of: 
• Fractions, decimals, and percentages
• Algebraic Notation 
• Expressions, equations and formulae 
• Solving equations 
• Linear graphs 
• Angle properties 
• Geometric Reasoning
• Probability
• Ratio
• Data Handling
• Transformations

Mathematics Years 10 and 11

Students build on the fundamental concepts developed in the earlier years exploring all the topics to more depth as well as gaining a firm grounding in topics such as:
• Indices (including negative and fractional indices) 
• Proportion 
• Vectors 
• Quadratics (factorisation, completing the square and graphs) 
• Simultaneous equations 
• Angles and Bearings
• Congruency and similarity
• Gradients and lines
• Functions






Teachers at St Mary’s have made Maths enjoyable and helped me to like Maths! I have been well supported by staff in lessons and in after school sessions. I am now doing Further Maths and will be taking Maths as an A Level next year, thanks to St. Mary’s supportive and encouraging Maths teachers.
Louisa Walker, Year 11


I have had the opportunity to study Further Maths along side my GCSE. The teachers have been very supportive and they have made Maths as easy as they can!

Will Morgan – Year 11