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St. Mary's Menston


"History is about nurturing the inquisitive mind to understand why we are who we are. At St Mary’s, we aim to provide students with all the tools they need to understand the past and continue to develop these skills in the future.”

Mrs Fleetwood, Subject Leader of History

Subject Overview

Through the teaching of History, we impact vast knowledge of the past through an understanding of how this is constructed. Use of primary sources is key to aiding students in developing their own judgements and appreciation for how this knowledge has been accepted. Across key stages, students access historians’ interpretations in order challenge their conceptions and build their skills of critical inquisition.

Course Content

History Years 7 - 9

Students explore key events and individuals from World History with a broadly chronological approach.
• Early British settlers and invaders
• Medieval Kings
• Tudors
• Stuarts
• Campaigns for the vote
• Industrialisation
• Slavery
• Empire
• The World Wars
• The Holocaust
• 20th century political change
• Local history study: Saltaire

History Years 10 - 11

Students follow the OCR SHP B GCSE course in order to build upon source and interpretations skills and develop a deeper understanding of key British/World changes.
• The Norman Conquest, 1066-87
• The People’s Health, 1250-present
• The Making of America, 1789-1900
• Life in Nazi Germany, 1933-1945
• Local history study: Saltaire






Curriculum Documents

Curriculum documents





In History, the course is really varied and you learn lots of exciting things. We study several time periods with niche facts that you’ll always remember. The teachers provide detailed feedback quickly and make things really interesting, so you know how to improve and revise.

Year 11 Student